You need agriculture, and agriculture needs you.
By Hannah Harms It is a struggle at times to support our own emotional health. We, as people, all have this search for happiness in common. It is worth exploring how organic farming and eating well affects our very existence on this Earth as an answer to this...

Eating with the Seasons: Good Medicine
By Hannah Harms Nothing can place you in time better than biting into a juicy Honeycrisp apple as the afternoon sun blinks at you through trees of brilliant oranges and reds. Or the sweet stickiness of watermelon running down your chin at a sweltering Fourth of July...

Mindfulness Meditation; Meditation and Thought Management
Monday Teaching: “Meditation and Thought Management”: The most common question or concern that people have when they speak to me about Meditation is— how do I slow my thoughts down and/or I can’t seem to stop my thoughts or empty my mind. Meditation is not about...

Taking (time to) care, part 1: Let’s all be yogis!
By: Hannah Harms We all go through times of adjustment and change. We switch careers after years of planning. We learn that someone close to us is struggling with addiction. We are developing a relationship with someone we care about deeply. It can be challenging to...